I’m Kémì Ahmed Onibudo. Just over five years ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer and in late 2020, I was rediagnosed with an isolated lymph node metastasis. The purpose of creating this website is to share my journey very openly to show there is hope and my ultimate goal is to contribute towards saving more lives, especially within the African communities as we tend not to talk openly about our health issues.

I plan to work closely with different reputable organisations, within Nigeria and the UK, secure donors, and create fundraising opportunities to help individuals and families affected by cancer.
Prioritising cancer awareness and education out there is vital in ensuring that more lives are saved. I also believe that sharing my experience with breast cancer is how my healing can truly be completed. I will share some of the scariest, darkest, and most intimate moments of my journey. 

The name ‘rebeKemi’ came to be after I was first diagnosed with breast cancer. My entire life had to be rearranged and I had an inward struggle with being myself – in conflict with “appearing normal” on the outside; so simply put: ‘re-being Kemi’ became ‘rebeKemi’, which is also a play-on Pigeon English and African slang. 

Come join me in this conversation about cancer, and let’s ensure that the “C-Word” is talked about and doesn’t have a place to hide.